Council Agenda Packet 3.16.20

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The question has been raised as to how EHQ can be best utilized to assist in the continuation of City Council (or Town Board) operations. While each organization and community is different in its processes and resources, we've attempted to provide some ideas and options for you here. We are very interested in hearing your ideas, challenges and solutions as we move forward in this "digital first" time.

Some have public television stations or youtube channels already in place, which is great. You should provide a link to those from your Engagement site. You can do that here in the project description or as a custom widget; among many other places. Just add an image with text, highlight the image and add a link to it. This will create a "button" for your residents to click to go from the site to your other resource.

It seems that you are going to need a landing page for your council and then links to individual council meeting dates. There is simply too much information in a single council agenda, for most to do this otherwise and it will keep your reporting and processing clean and tidy.

The question has been raised as to how EHQ can be best utilized to assist in the continuation of City Council (or Town Board) operations. While each organization and community is different in its processes and resources, we've attempted to provide some ideas and options for you here. We are very interested in hearing your ideas, challenges and solutions as we move forward in this "digital first" time.

Some have public television stations or youtube channels already in place, which is great. You should provide a link to those from your Engagement site. You can do that here in the project description or as a custom widget; among many other places. Just add an image with text, highlight the image and add a link to it. This will create a "button" for your residents to click to go from the site to your other resource.

It seems that you are going to need a landing page for your council and then links to individual council meeting dates. There is simply too much information in a single council agenda, for most to do this otherwise and it will keep your reporting and processing clean and tidy.

Council Agenda Packet 3.16.2020

Stories is a unique choice here.  You can populate the tool like we did with Newsfeed but the information has to be submitted from the participant side.  Do note, the public could easily become confused and try to add stories rather than just comment on the tool.  You would need clear language to guard against that but have the added protection of switching on moderation prior to publication and the ability to then explain to that participant, as needed.  The benefit is that this tool does allow for thank you emails and administrative notifications.  

Public Comment must be submitted through the comment option under each posted agenda item.  

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Page last updated: 19 Mar 2020, 07:07 AM